Friday, April 12, 2013

My Reflection 2

This past week we have been learning about controlling microbial growth in the environment.  What I had found interesting about reading this chapter the most was in the beginning when there was a short paragraph of how the chapter we were studying connected to the real world.  It was intresting to me to read because its's not like we discussed it in class.  It was this paragraph that brought to my attention that wearing contact lenses is seriously risky.  Uncommon but serious infections, such as bacterial keratitis have been linked to contact use.  Acanthamoeba, a protozoan can result from using contaminated lens-care solutions or rinsing contact lenses in tap water.  This was the part that scared me the most because I reflected back into my past when I would be somewhere like a movie theater or even church and my contacts would dry out.  There have been plenty of cases that I have resorted to a bathroom sink and tap water as a means of revitalizing my dried up contact lense.  Little did I know that I was potentially setting myself up for infection.  Fortunately I never experienced any type of infection due to my contact lenses ever, but with the knowledge that I now know about the dangers of rinsing contact lenses in tap water, I will not only avoid it, but inform others about not doing it as well. 

                                     Caused by Contact Lenses: Conjunctivitis under the eyelid 
This particuler subject fits into my career goals simply because I want to be a healthcare professional in the futrure.  It will be my duty to inform patients or people in general the ways of proper hygiene to avoid contamination or infection.   This information does not conflict with another course but gives me a better understanding of this current course and my own personal hygiene.  In terms of my engagment in the learning process, I see myself as a visual learner.  When I see things more, information seems to just click to me.  Also repetition helps me remember more information efficiently.  I would like to try more audio ways of learning just because sometimes it does help when I hear things said to me clearly and audible.  I've tried videos amd those seem to help especially if there are pictures, and diagrams in addition to the audio.  The two most important things that I've learned so far in this chapter was to one, take hygiene seriously when it comes to wearing contact lenses and two, always try to find something visual about a subject in order to help me learn better.  This information has impacted my life positively because now I know what not to do when it comes to my contact lenses.  I take better caution with my lenses by making sure I use the right cleansing material to clean the lenses and making sure I wash my hands before and after usage. 

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